About BII

BII, a Jakarta International  Business Campus, offers pathway program for those who want to study business abroad but feeling not ready yet to follow the lesson on site. 
The pathway program is designed to assist international students to fill the gap between their last qualification and the requirements needed by overseas universities. BII has  partnered together with educational institutions in New York, USA and also Singapore.

About BII

BII sebagai international campus Jakarta dan sekolah bisnis, menawarkan program pathway kepada mereka yang ingin kuliah bisnis di luar negeri, namun merasa belum siap untuk mengikuti perkuliahan langsung di luar negeri. Adapun program pathway ini adalah program yang dirancang untuk membantu para mahasiswa internasional untuk menjembatani celah antara kualifikasi yang mereka miliki (pendidikan terakhir) dengan syarat masuk yang dibutuhkan universitas di luar negeri. BII telah bekerja sama dengan lembaga pendidikan di New York dan San Francisco Amerika, dan juga Singapura.
Business Institute Indonesia (BII) was established in 2019 to provide an enriching and valuable education for the capable and motivated youths to advance their tertiary learning and keep up with the highest international standards.
In order for Indonesia to continue its progress to become a more developed and competitive country, improving its education level is one of the most basic and important factors.
BII works closely together with PACE UNIVERSITY, New York, USA & KAPLAN SINGAPORE to offer undergraduate degree programs.
BII is supported by Tahir Foundation and Bank Mayapada to offer financial aid and scholarships.

Dr. Godman Gn

PhD in Finance
University of Pennsylvania, USA
BBA (Hons), National University of Singapore

William Tandiono

MS in Management Science and Engineering
Stanford University, USA
BS, University of California Berkeley, USA

Dr. Soebowo Musa

PhD in Strategic Management
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
BS & MBA, New York Univeristy, USA

Our Vision, Mission, and Values


To provide an enriching and valuable education for all potential youths in Indonesia.


To provide top academic excellence by working together with highly-qualified professors, with a well-trained and responsible team, and also in a modern and comprehensive learning facility.


Management is an important skill to learn in life, whether you are managing a country, a multinational company, a small mom-and-pop store, a new start-up, a social organization, or even your family. In BII, you will learn all aspects how to manage your business.
Work is an important part in our life, whether you are the breadwinner to support your family, a contributing member to the community, or a channel of blessing to the society. In BII, you will learn all aspects how to further upgrade your capabilities to work well in a dynamic and challenging world.

BII is supported by Tahir Foundation and Bank Mayapada to offer financial aid, scholarship and student loan.

Tahir Foundation
Bank Mayapada

Business Institute Indonesia

Hotline : 0888-0811-0811
Counselor : 0813-8899-2020 / 0813-8899-2101
Email : [email protected]

Our Campus

Jakarta Senayan Campus
Komplek Rukan Permata Senayan
Blok D 22-26, Lt.1-3
Jl. Tentara Pelajar
Jakarta Selatan 12210
Tel  (021) 2525-811

Jakarta Main Campus
Opening Soon

Surabaya Campus
Opening Soon

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